Active Projects

Repair, Maintenance, and Painting Work at the BCYF Clougherty Pool and Bathhouse
Term Contract
$150,000 est. value
Boston, MA

Painting of Roche Community Center Gym Wall and Ceilings
Renovation - 11,480 SF
Contract Awards
$31,500 CJ est. value
Boston, MA 02132

HVAC Work at the BCYF Draper Pool - Sub Bid
Contract Awards
$396,500 CJ est. value
Boston, MA 02132

HVAC Work at the BCYF Draper Pool - General Bid

Boston Centers for Youth & Families

1483 Tremont Street

MA, Boston 02120

(617) 635-4920

Company Type: Agency

Thanh Le  (617) 635- 
Varnie Jules  (617) 635- 
Varnie Jules, MBA (Ext. 2149)  (617) 635-