Active Projects
Resurfacing of Various Streets Project
$200,000 CJ est. value
Vandalia, OH 45377
Purchase of Asphaltic Concrete
$600,000 CJ est. value
Vandalia, OH 45377
Mowing and General Maintenance of Various Public Areas
Term Contract
Vandalia, OH 45377
Sanitary Slip Lining Phase 1
RFQ - Design Public Works Facility Design
RFP Engineering - Webster Street Resurfacing Project
Asphaltic Concrete
Removal and Replacement of Certain Curbs and Sidewalks
Dues Storm Sewer Reconstruction
Dog Leg Road Water and Sanitary Extension Project
City of Vandalia
Company Type: Agency
Project Breakdown
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |||||||
Amber Holloway | (937) | | ||||||||
Chad E Follick | (937) | | ||||||||
Christine Budich | (937) | | ||||||||
Dan Wendt | (937) | | ||||||||
James E Bohanan | (937) | | ||||||||
Marty Szturm | (937) | | ||||||||
Rob Cron | (937) | | ||||||||
Rudy Wells | (937) | |