Active Projects
RFQ D/B - Slater Road and Page Park Apartments Lift Stations, Force Mains, and Outfalls
$400,000 CJ est. value
Durham, NC 27701
RFQ Design services - Exterior Renovations at the Durham County Justice Services Center
$10,000,000 CJ est. value
Durham, NC 27701
Milling and Paving Driveways at the Justice Services Center
$25,000 CJ est. value
Durham, NC 27701
Durham County Detention Facility Replacement of Detention Window Security Glass Phase II
RFQ - Space Efficiency Improvements and On-Call Design Services
Collection System Odor and Corrosion Control Services
Roof Anchor Upgrades and Additions
On-Call Machinery and Equipment Repair Services
New Durham County Board of Elections Facility
Lincoln Community Health Center Parking Lot Expansion
County of Durham Purchasing
Company Type: Owner
Project Breakdown
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |||||||
Anita Torian | (919) | | ||||||||
Brenda Hayes- Bright | (919) | | ||||||||
Candy Harmon | (919) | | ||||||||
Charles King | (919) | | ||||||||
Christy Raulli | (919) | | ||||||||
Crystal Thomas | (919) | | ||||||||
David Alpaugh | (919) | | ||||||||
David LaBarre | (919) | | ||||||||
Eric Miller | (919) | | ||||||||
Godfrey Herndon | (919) | | ||||||||
Hilda W. Williams | (919) | | ||||||||
James Faress | (919) | | ||||||||
Jerry Morrone | (919) | | ||||||||
Joel T. Jones | (919) | | ||||||||
Ken Ketterer | (919) | | ||||||||
Kyle Manning | (919) | | ||||||||
Peri Manns | (919) | | ||||||||
Ray Ellis | (919) | | ||||||||
Rick Greene | (919) | | ||||||||
Rishanda Fowler | (919) | | ||||||||
Shawn Swiatocha | (919) | | ||||||||
Sidney Anderson | (919) | | ||||||||
Tom Kutch | (919) | | ||||||||
Vince Chirichella | (919) | | ||||||||
Wade Shaw | (919) | |