Active Projects
Widening and Resurfacing
$600,000 CJ est. value
Crest Hill, IL 60403
Designed Overlay, ADA Improvements, Traffic Improvements and Traffic Signal Replacement in Bloomington
$959,000 CJ est. value
Bloomington, IL 61701
Construction of a Single-span PPC Deck Beam Bridge With Aggregate Approach, Channel Excavation and Seeding on 375 North Road
$3,500,000 CJ est. value
Oconee, IL 62553
Resurfacing CH 15
Replace the Bridge Carrying CH 19
HMA Asphalt Shoulders With Rumble Strips, Guardrail and Terminals, Pipe Culvets and Ditch Grading
Reconstructing the Alley North of Main Street
Removal Exist Structure and Construct a Single Span Ppc Deck Beam Structure on Concrete Spill Thru Pile Bent Abutments. Includes Channel Excavation, Erosion Control, Seeding, Recon
Material Deliver and Install Proposal for Bituminous Surface Treatment
Drainage at 1010 10th Avenue
Hutchison Engineering Inc. - Jacksonville
Company Type: Engineer
Project Breakdown
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |||||||
Anthony Miller | (217) | | ||||||||
Benjamin Nebel | (217) | | ||||||||
Brett Wedemeier | (217) | | ||||||||
Brian Borgman | (217) | | ||||||||
Brian Borgman | (217) | | ||||||||
Doug Pagel | (217) | | ||||||||
Luke Zeller | (217) | | ||||||||
Shane Larson | (217) | | ||||||||
Stefan T. Mierzwa | (217) | | ||||||||
Thomas Winkelman | (217) | |