Active Projects
RFQ Engineering - Pedestrian Facilities Improvements
$1,385,000 CJ est. value
Rolla, MO 65401
RFQ Engineering - Bridge Replacement or Redeck
Demolition, New Construction, Infrastructure
$30,000,000 CJ est. value
Clinton, MO 64735
RFQ - Rehabilitate Five Bridges
Term Contract
$2,141,000 CJ est. value
Rolla, MO 65401
Bridge Replacement and Bridge Deck Replacement
RFQ Engineering - Bridge Replacement
RFQ Engineering - CCTV and Communications Equipment
RFQ - Urgent Slide/Erosion Repairs, Hydraulic Analysis and Drainage Design
Resurface - Route I-55
Bridge Rehabilitation and Bridge Wearing Surface
Bridge Deck Replacement - Route I-44