Active Projects
Traffic Safety Engineering Design Services
$500,000 CJ est. value
Carson City, NV 89712
RFP - Janitorial Services for District II Administration, Training, and Maintenance Facilities
Term Contract
Gerlach, NV 89412
RFP - Signals, Lighting, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (SLI) Maintenance
Term Contract
Carson City, NV 89701
Highway Improvement
US 6, from 1.936 miles West of Millers Roadside Park to the Slime Wash, in Nye and Esmeralda Counties
Cold Mill and Place Plantmix Bituminous Surface With Open Grade, Construct Passing Lanes, Hydraulic, Lighting and ITS Improvements
Cold Mill and Place Plantmix Bituminous Surface With Open Grade
RFP Engineering - Augmentation of Crew 906 on I-15 Jean North
Chip Seal
US 50, Construct Road and Bridge