Active Projects
Salvation Army Vestibule Addition
Addition, Demolition, Infrastructure, Renovation - 796 SF
$300,000 CJ est. value
Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064
RFP- USNH Structural Engineering Services Term Agreement
Term Contract
Durham, NH 03824
$417,003 CJ est. value
Concord, NH 03301
Renovation of the Jenny Thompson Outdoor Pool
Glenn Cove Improvements
Repair Building 165
Construct Global Aircrew Strategic Network Terminal Transportable Storage Facility
B79 2nd and 3rd Floor Renovations
Peirce Island Pump House and Pool Renovation
Oak Point Associates
Company Type: Owner
Project Breakdown
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |||||||
Allison Towne DiMatteo | (603) | | ||||||||
Andrew Kitchen | (603) | | ||||||||
Bryan LaRoche | (603) | | ||||||||
Christine Lyle | (603) | | ||||||||
Dale Clyde Lincoln II | (603) | | ||||||||
Daniel Philipps | (603) | | ||||||||
David Martin | (603) | | ||||||||
David Price | (603) | | ||||||||
Devon Tillotson | (603) | | ||||||||
Donald Wallace | (603) | | ||||||||
Jeff Bathalon | (603) | | ||||||||
Josua Riley | (603) | | ||||||||
Kelly O'Brien | (603) | | ||||||||
Kenneth Weston | (603) | | ||||||||
Laura Clebak | (603) | | ||||||||
Matt Albert | (603) | | ||||||||
Peter MacGovern | (603) | | ||||||||
Robert Hughes | (603) | | ||||||||
Steven Sargent | (603) | | ||||||||
Wade Lippert | (603) | | ||||||||
Wayne Whippie | (603) | | ||||||||
William Van Benthuysen | (603) | |