Active Projects
Upsizing SR44 Phase 2 - 001-802-536-3100 - Sumter County
$1,973,000 CJ est. value
Bushnell, FL 33513
Sumter County On-Call Electrical Services
Term Contract
Wildwood, FL 34785
Sumter County US 301/C-470 Government Center Offsite Utility Extension Project
$1,000,000 CJ est. value
Sumterville, FL 33585
Sumter County Solid Waste and Recycling Services
Sumter County Bridge Rehabilitation
Sumter County Signalization at US 301 and C-472
Sumter County C-466 Intersection Improvement Phase II
Sumter County Wayfinding Signs Phase III
Sumter County New Supervisor of Elections Facility
Rights of Way Mowing and Litter Removal
Sumter County - Public Works
319 E Anderson Ave
FL, Bushnell 33513
(352) 793-0240
Company Type: Owner
Project Breakdown
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |||||||
Becky Segrest | (352) | | ||||||||
Emilly Morrison | (352) | | ||||||||
Jackie Valdez | (352) | | ||||||||
Michael Jara | (352) | |