Active Projects
RFP Construction Manager at Risk - Services For Robert Sonny Hill Jr. Community Centre Renovation Project
Renovation, Infrastructure
$12,305,996 CJ est. value
Middletown, OH 45044
Cincinnati State LPN Lab Remodel
$350,000 CJ est. value
Cincinnati, OH 45223
City of Huber Heights Ohio New Public Works Facility
New Construction, Infrastructure - 54,000 SF
$5,700,000 CJ est. value
Dayton, OH 45424
Harbin Park Revision Narrative
Center Hill (CH) Detonation Test Facility Building D
Hamilton County New 911 / EMA Facility
Renovation and Improvement of Dale Park
Leonard B. Stubbs Park Improvements Phase I
Patio Expansion and Site Improvements for Yankee Trace Clubhouse
Alms and Doepke JFS Interior Furnishings
Universal Contracting Corp.
Company Type: Sub-Contractor
Project Breakdown
Name | Title | Phone | Cell | |||||||
Alex Platt | (513) | | ||||||||
Ben Vogelgesorry | (513) | | ||||||||
Benjamin Vogelgesang | (513) | | ||||||||
Brad Wilhelm | (513) | | ||||||||
Brad Wilhelm | (513) | | ||||||||
Hayden Steele | (513) | |